Sarah Palin and "The Media"

I was looking at today and saw that there was a poll that suggested that more people than not think that Sarah Palin has been treated unfairly by "The Media." I realize that a polling sample of FoxNews web viewers is probably slightly skewed to a conservative viewpoint, but I still must ask, "Really?"


From the moment she first spoke at the Republican Convention last year Sarah Palin has expressed very little more than a smug attitude and an ability to sound confused at the same time. Don't these people who think she has been treated unfairly know people in their own lives who accomplish the same thing when they talk? I know people like her...and I feel sorry for them, especially if they also seem to lack the ability to keep their mouths shut (like Sarah). Her memoir should have been entitled "Going Rouge" which is what happens to my face every time I see her attempting to express her "views" on political subjects. She has not been treated unfairly, she is just so far in over her head that it is embarrassing to watch her talk. I have not seen "The Media" putting her down, I have seen them point their cameras at her and let her do that job for them.

I find it sad that just because they think she is popular so many Republicans stand up for her special brand of idiitis (George Bush also suffered from idiitis).

This is a little compilation of Sarah's finest responses to legitimate questions...who is making her look bad other than herself?