The Rodcast - Episode 12 Part 2 - February 2nd, 2008

Discussing an annoying fuck who wouldn't stop talking and other shit.


BIG Amy said...

This one was really good man. Seriously though, I KNOW for a fact that older men gay/str8/closeted/whatever use tutoring to get close to young boys, so you should clobber that fucker next time you see him, and i think you should confront him w/ your camera rolling if possible.

Roddy von Seldeneck said...

I would absolutely love to confront him with camera rolling, but I have ethics unfortunately. I will do my best to lose those ethics though.

miastle said...

What a fuck job. This jerk I think was flirting with you in a Queeny kind of way. He was in your space and testing the waters to see how close he could get under your sking to get some kind of a reaction from you. You need to assert yourself more and I think you should say what is on your mind to this guy. The poor kid. He probably didn't want to be tutored in the 1st place and he has to now compete for your attention while this schmuck is taking you away into some gay pulp fiction. Any hoot. I feel your pain. I am teacher. Felt like I was in the teacher's lounge. Thanks.

Roddy von Seldeneck said...

Most people that know me know that I have no problem telling someone to get the fuck out of MySpace (pun intended), the only reason I did not was because I did not want to make the 12 year old aware of how uncomfortable or pissed off I was. Know what I mean sugarlips?

Angela said...

Hi, Roddy

That was funny for the following reasons:

1) I know who you are talking about, and I wish I could witness your eventual confrontation. And yes, I too believe him to be gay.

2) I tend to use the word "fuck" too often in storytelling, and here's the thing, you are smart and you can come up with other descriptive words, but maybe you just don't give a fucking shit.

Peace!! Angela

Roddy von Seldeneck said...

Yes Angela....I don't give a fuck.

ALI with the CIA said...


Next time as soon as you see him start screaming Stranger Danger!, I mean as loud as you possibly can. If you pop a vocal cord it would be worth it. Oh and have a whistle you can blow, also pee yourself while shaking violently. If you can shit yourself- even better. With these steps I do believe this man will get the point, as well as anyone within a 2 mile radius- depending on acoustics and reverb.

ALI with the CIA

ALI with the CIA